Sunday, June 21, 2020

Fundamental Rules of LEAVE RULES

Fundamental Rules of LEAVE RULES


The A.P. Leave Rules 1933 adopted to Telangana State are laid down in Annexure – III of Fundamental Rules & Subsidiary Rules.
They are applicable to those who are recruited to services on or after 04.09.1933. They are applicable to all State Govt. employees and not applicable to the contingent establishment and persons appointed on daily wages.
The Leave Rules 1933 are silent on certain matters like sanction of special kinds of leave viz., Maternity Leave, Study Leave, Hospital Leave, Special Disability Leave etc., and conditions for the grant of leave etc., For such matters which are silent in Leave Rules 1933, the provisions of Leave Rules in Fundamental Rules & Subsidiary Rules have to be followed.

Leave is a permission granted to a Govt. servant to be absent from actual duty.


1. Duty: Duty includes (APLR 4(a))
(i) Any period of absence on casual leave during a continuous period spent on duty
(ii) Any period of absence on gazetted holidays or other days declared to be holidays by a competent authority, during a continuous period spent on duty
(iii) Any period of absence on gazetted holidays when permitted to be prefixed or affixed to leave
(iv) Any period of absence during the vacation either during a continuous period spent on duty or when permitted to be prefixed or affixed to leave
(v) Any period spent on foreign service if contribution towards leave salary is paid on account of such period
(vi) Joining time and
(vii) All periods declared to be on duty under FR 9(6)(b)
2. Permanent Government Servant: A Govt. servant who holds substantively a permanent post in superior or last grade service or who hold a lien on such a post or would hold such a lien had it not been suspended. (APLR 4(b)(i)).
3. Non-Permanent Government Servant: A Govt. servant who is not a permanent Govt. servant. (APLR 4(b)(ii)).

Provisions of Leave Rules in Fundamental Rules & Subsidiary Rules:

FR 60: Leave is earned by duty only. A period spent in Foreign Service counts as duty if contribution towards leave salary is paid on account of such period.

FR 65Carry Forward of Leave
Leave shall be carry forwarded for the former employees of local bodies who are appointed later through APPSC/DSC into Govt. service upto 31.12.13 vide     
  G.O.Ms.No.46, Fin.(FR.I) Dept., Dt.19.02.14.

FR 66: The authorities competent to grant other than special disability leave to the Govt. servants working in each department.

FR 67: Leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right. When exigencies of the public service so require, discretion to refuse or revoke leave of any description is reserved with the sanctioning authority.  But at the same time the competent authority cannot compel a Govt. servant to take  leave on half pay when leave on full pay is permissible to him.
FR 68Leave ordinarily begins on the day on which transfer of charge is affected and ends on the day on which the charge is resumed. Holidays can be prefixed or suffixed to leave subject to the conditions.
When public holidays have been allowed to be prefixed to HPL or EOL, if the competent authority is satisfied about its justification, he may allow salary during public holidays at the rates prevailing on the previous day. When the public holidays are allowed to be suffixed, as the leave would terminate before the public holidays, full salary as on duty may be allowed during public holidays suffixed.
 (Govt. Circular Memo No. 86595/1210/FR.I/7, Dt.29.05.81).

When a Govt. servant is certified medically fit for joining duty, holiday(s), if any, succeeding the day he is so certified (including that day) shall automatically be allowed to be suffixed to the leave, and holiday(s), if any proceeding the day he is so certified shall be treated as part of the leave. When the certificate is of a date intervening the holidays, the entire period of holidays may be treated as part of leave.
 (G.O.Ms.No.319, Fin. & Plg., Dt.18.12.81)
Local holidays notified in the district gazettes cannot be permitted to be prefixed to leave. (AG orders, Dt.13.09.40)
Public holidays allowed to be prefixed or suffixed, although they are treated as duty, postpone the period of probation, if availed during the period of probation.
 (Govt. Memo No.1688/64/GA/Services (A) Dept., Dt.04.07.1964).
Similarly, vacation may be availed in combination or in continuation of any other kind of leave.
FR 69A Govt. servant on leave cannot take up any service or setting up of private practice etc., except with the permission of competent authority.

FR 70: All orders recalling a Govt. servant to duty before the expiry of his leave shall state, whether return to duty is optional or compulsory. If the return to duty is optional, the Govt. servant is entitled to ‘No Concession’.
If it is compulsory, the period from the date on which he starts from the station to which he is ordered to join duty shall be treated as ‘duty’, but he shall draw leave salary until he joins his post, provided the leave that has been curtailed on account of such compulsory recall from leave is one month and above. He is also entitled to travelling allowance (Rule 87 TA Rules).
FR 71: No Govt. servant who has been granted leave on Medical Certificate may return to duty without first producing a medical certificate of fitness in such for as the Govt. may by order prescribe.

FR 72: A Govt. servant returning to duty before the expiry of leave should apply for permission to cancel the unexpired portion of leave.

FR 73(Over-stayed of Leave) A Govt. servant who remains absent after the end of his leave is entitled to no leave salary for the period of such absence, and that period will be debited against his leave account as though it is leave on half pay unless extension of leave is granted by the competent authority (LR 6A).

FR 74The application for grant of leave should specify the period of leave, nature of leave, leave address and in the case of leave on medical certificate, and the Medical certificates should be enclosed. (Rule 3 Annexure II).
If the leave required is on medical grounds, the application for the grant of leave shall be supported by a Medical Certificate (Rule 9 Annexure II).
No leave shall be granted to a Govt. servant when a competent punishing authority has decided to dismiss.

FR 76: A leave account shall be maintained for each Govt. servant.

FR 77: Fraction of a day should not appear in the leave account. Fractions below half should be ignored and those of half and more should be reckoned as one day (Ruling under FR 77)
FR 80The amount of leave due to a Govt. servant is the balance of leave at his credit in the leave account.

FR 81: Leave may be granted to a Govt. servant at the discretion of the authority entitled to grant the leave.
The maximum period of continuous absence from duty on leave granted otherwise than on MC is 28 months. This period shall in no circumstances be exceeded by a Govt. servant who is on leave preparatory to retirement. (Ruling (d)).
FR 82: Vacation is treated as duty for all purposes (FR 82(b)).
Any period of recess which exceeds 15 days in duration shall be treated as a vacation (SR2 FR 82)
If an employee enjoys not more than 15 days of vacation, he shall be considered to have availed himself of no portion of it. (SR6 FR 82)
If a Govt. servant of vacation department does duties during vacation and separately remunerated, he should not be considered as having been deprived of vacation. (SR 15 FR 82)
An employee transferred from vacation to non-vacation department is treated as in non-vacation department from the close of last vacation enjoyed; and on transfer from non-vacation to vacation department is treated as in vacation department from the date of expiry of last vacation previous to such transfer (SR 7 and 18 of FR 82).
If earned leave is taken in combination of vacation, the total period of leave & vacation should not exceed 180 days (Ruling 11 under FR 82).
FR 18: Unless the Govt. servant in view of the exceptional circumstances of the case otherwise determine, no Govt. servant shall be granted leave of any kind for a continuous period exceeding five years (LR 5A)
A temporary Govt. servant working under emergency provisions who remains absent from duty after applying for leave or extension of leave to which he is not entitled to any leave unless the leave applied for is granted by Govt. in relaxation of relevant rules, he should be deemed to have been discharged from service
(G.O.Ms.No.436, Finance, Dt.11.06.1957).
Wilful absence from duty not covered by the grant of any leave will be treated as Dies-Non for all purposes, viz. increment, leave, and pension (Note1 under LR 5).
Any kind of leave admissible under these rules may be granted in combination with any other kind of leave so admissible or in continuation with any other kind of leave so admissible or in continuation with any other kind of leave admissible or in continuation of leave already taken whether the same or of any kind (LR 6)
FR 18A: A Govt. servant shall be deemed to have resigned from the service if he
a) Is absent without authorization for a period of exceeding ‘one year’; or
b) Remains absent from duty for a continuous period of exceeding 5 years, with or without leave; or
c) Continues on Foreign Service beyond the period approved by the State Govt.

A reasonable opportunity to explain the reason for such absence or continuation on Foreign Service shall be given to the Govt. servant before the provisions of this sub rule are invoked.
 (G.O.Ms.No.129, Fin.(FR.I), Dt.01.06.2007).
FR 55Leave may not be granted to Govt. servant under suspension.

ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ సెలవు నియమాలు, 1933

AP లీవ్ రూల్స్  4.10.1933 నుండి అమలులోకి వచ్చాయి.. సెలవు నిబంధనలు ప్రభుత్వంలో పనిచేసే ఉద్యోగులందరికీ వర్తిస్తాయి.  కార్యాలయాలు / సంస్థలు / సంఘాలు మరియు సెలవు శాఖ(వెకేషన్ డిపార్ట్మెంట్లో పనిచేసే ఉద్యోగులతో సహా స్థానిక సంస్థలు.

  ప్రభుత్వ ఉద్యోగి తన సెలవు దరఖాస్తులో తన స్పష్టమైన చిరునామాను పేర్కొనాలి (FR - 74).

  సెలవును హక్కుగా క్లెయిమ్ చేయడం సాధ్యం కాదు. (ముందస్తు అనుమతి తప్పనిసరిగా పొందాలి.)

సెలవు సరిగా మంజూరు చేయబడాలి., సరైన ఉపశమనం(relief) మరియు సరైన ఛార్జీని అప్పగించాలి). ఉద్యోగి తన ఇష్టానికి వ్యతిరేకంగా సెలవు తీసుకోవాల్సిన అవసరం లేదు. (FR 67)

 ముందస్తు అనుమతి లేకుండా విధులకు హాజరు కాకపోవడం డైస్ నాన్ గా పరిగణించబడుతుంది.(FR-18)

మంజూరు చేసిన సెలవు యొక్క స్వభావాన్ని మార్పు చేసే అధికారం sanctioning authority కి లేదు

 తప్పనిసరి పరిస్థితుల్లో ప్రభుత్వ ఆదేశాల మేరకు సెలవు నుండి రీకాల్ మరియు సెలవు కుదింపు  (ఎఫ్ఆర్ - 70, ఎపి టిఎ రూల్స్ 76, ఎఫ్ఆర్ - 72).

సెలవు సమయంలో ప్రభుత్వ ఉద్యోగి ఎటువంటి ఉపాధిని చేపట్టకూడదు. (FR - 69)

 దరఖాస్తు చేసిన సెలవుకు పబ్లిక్ హాలిడేస్  ప్రిఫిక్స్ లేదా సఫిక్స్ చేయడానికి అనుమతించబడతాయి.
            (Govt.Memo.No 865/1210 / FR-1, Dt.25.9.81)

సెలవు దరఖాస్తుకు  స్థానిక సెలవుదినాలు సఫిక్స్ లేదా ప్రిఫిక్స్ చేయడానికి అనుమతించబడవు.(FR-68)

సస్పెండ్ చేయబడిన ఉద్యోగికి ఎటువంటి సెలవు మంజూరు చేయబడదు. (FR 55 మరియు 74)

  ఒక ప్రభుత్వ ఉద్యోగి (అతను / ఆమెకింది సందర్భాల్లో రాజీనామా చేసినట్లు భావించబడుతుంది:

Ø  ఒక సంవత్సరం’ మించిన కాలానికి అనుమతి లేకుండా విధులకు హాజరుకాకపోతే.

Ø  (5) సంవత్సరాలు దాటిన నిరంతర కాలానికి డ్యూటీకి హాజరుకాకపోవడం సెలవు ఉండి లేదా సెలవు లేకుండా.

Ø  ప్రభుత్వం ఆమోదించిన కాలానికి మించి foreign service లో నిరంతరాయంగా కొనసాగుతున్నట్లు అయితే (ఎఫ్ఆర్ -18 (మరియు 5 (మరియు (బిసెలవు నిబంధనలు)

 ఉద్యోగి సర్వీసులో క్రమం తప్పకుండా వచ్చు వెకేషన్ లో,ఉద్యోగి విధులకు హాజరుకాకుండా ఉండే అవకాశాన్ని వెకేషన్ అంటారు. (FR-82 under sub rule I )

ఒక ఉద్యోగి వెకేషన్ శాఖలోనూ,వెకేషన్ శాఖగాని వేరే శాఖ లో రెండింటిలో పనిచేసేటప్పుడు,వెకేషన్ శాఖలో పనిచేస్తున్న ట్లు పరిగణించరాదు. ( FR-82 under sub rule-4 )

15 రోజులకు మించిన ప్రభుత్వ సెలవుల నే వెకేషన్ గా భావించాలి. ( FR-82 under sub rule-2 )

వెకేషన్ శాఖ నుండి నాన్ వెకేషన్ శాఖకు బదిలీ అయితే  ఉద్యోగి సర్వీసు  శాఖలో తాను చివరగా వాడుకున్న వెకేషన్ పూర్తి ఆయిన తేది నుంచి సమాప్తి అయినట్లు భావించాలి. (FR-82 under sub rule 7)

నాన్ వెకేషన్ శాఖ నుండి వెకేషన్ శాఖకు బదిలీ అయినచో తన సర్వీసు వెకేషన్ శాఖలో చివరి వెకేషన్ పూర్తి ఆయిన తేది నుండి ప్రారంభించినట్లు భావించబడుతుంది.

 వెకేషన్ శాఖలో పనిచేస్తున్న ఉద్యోగి ఏదేని వెకేషన్ లో విధులు నిర్వహించడానికి తగిన ప్రతిఫలం ప్రత్యేకంగా పొందినట్లయితే  ఉద్యోగి వెకేషన్ వాడుకోనకుండా నిరోధించినట్లు భావించరాదు (Ruling 15 )

వెకేషన్ శాఖలో పనిచేయు ఉద్యోగి,ప్రత్యేకమైన ఉత్తర్వుల ద్వారాగాని లేక జనరలు ఉత్తర్వుల ద్వారా గాని అట్టి వెకేషన్ అనుభవించడానికి నిరోధించబడకుండా ఉంటే,అతను వెకేషన్ అనుభవించినట్లే భావించవలెను. (FR-82 under sub rule-2 )

 FR-82 లోని సబ్ రూల్.6 ప్రకారం వినియోగించుకున్న వేసవి సెలవులు 15 రోజుల కన్నా  తక్కువ ఉన్నప్పుడు మొత్తం వేసవి సెలవులు కోల్పోయినట్లుగా భావించి 30 సంపాదిత సెలవులు (24+6) జమచేయబడతాయి.

వెకేషన్ శాఖలో పనిచేయు తాత్కాలిక నాల్గవ తరగతి ఉద్యోగులు అర్జిత సెలవులకు అర్హులు కారు. ( Note 1 under APLR20(A) )

ప్రతి ఉపాధ్యాయునికి జనవరి 1 తేదిన 3 రోజులు,జూలై ఒకటవ తేదిన 3 రోజులు అర్జిత సెలవులు ముందుగా జమచేయాలి
G.O.Ms.No.317 విద్య,తేది:15-09-1994

ఉపాధ్యాయులను ఎన్నికల విధులకు గాని,జనాభా లెక్కలకు గాని లేక ఇతరత్రా వారి సేవలు ప్రభుత్వం ఉపయోగించుకున్న సందర్భాలలో,అట్టి కాలానికి  మేరకు సంపాదిత సెలవుకు అర్హులో ప్రభుత్వం కాలానుగుణంగా ప్రత్యేక ఉత్తర్వులు జారీచేస్తూ ఉంటుంది.అలాంటి సందర్భాలలో ఉపాధ్యాయులు వెకేషన్ ను ఉపయోగించకుండా నివారింపబడినెల యెడల,వారి సేవలు ఉపయోగించుకున్న అధికారి జారీచేసిన ధృవపత్రము ఆధారంగా శాఖాధిపతి దామాషా పద్దతిపై నిలువచేయుటకు ప్రభుత్వం వెసులుబాటు కల్పించింది.తదుపరి శాఖాధిపతికి బదులుగా సంస్థాధిపతి ఉత్తర్వులు ఇస్తే సరిపోతుందని సవరణ ఉత్తర్వులు జారీచేసింది.
G.O.Ms.No.151,విద్య తేది:14-11-2000
G.O.Ms.No.174,విద్య తేది:19-12-2000 

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మహిళలకు సమాంతర రిజర్వేషన్లు

  మహిళలకు సమాంతర రిజర్వేషన్లు