Exploratory Research.


How to Improve Basic reading Skills in Class-IV students.



SGT, MP PS Cheeturu

Dist. Jangaon.

Telangana State.



Reading skills encompass a variety of skills that can permeate all aspects of life. Reading skills are abilities that pertaining to a person’s capacity to read, comprehend, interpret and decode written language and texts.

I conducted an Exploratory research to find out reading difficulties to improve their reading skills among Class – IV students who were not aware of even  phonological awareness of alphabet and  without proper reading abilities. The problem inferred from analysis of collected data regarding to Class – IV students. 16 students were identified as facing reading difficulties at various levels to take for further Exploration of Action research.


Exploratory Research


Exploratory research is used to investigate a problem which is not clearly defined . It is conducted to have a better understanding of the existing problem.

Reading skills can also can encompass several key aspects that work together to develop overall literacy skills, including comprehension, fluency , vocabulary and strategies that help readers interpret and find meaning in texts.

 An Exploratory research is condected  to find out reading difficulties to improve the reading skills of Class – IV students who were not aware of  phonetic sounds of alphabet and unable to read common words of Class – I standard.



My school is  running 1st 4th in English medium and 5th Class in Telugu medium. Four years ago we introduced English medium with 1st Class and gradually upgrading year by year. Our present school strength is 82. All of our students are belongs to the same village. Most of the parents are daily labour and migrated to near by cities and their children are at their grandparents in the village. Most of the students were facing  difficulties in English language skills. So, I want to explore a Classroom problem of Class – IV students difficulties in reading  English language. This Exploratory research can be help to understand my Classroom practices and develop teaching skills. There by implement better approaches to improve students learning abilities.


The classroom issue

I selected a Classroom Problem to explore the difficulties of English language reading in Class 4 students. Most of the students in Class -4 are not able to read Common words of English properly. Some of the students were unable to recognize the phonemic sounds of alphabet.  The exploratory research is to findout their difficulties in reading and take measures to improve their reading abilities.



Exploratory research questions

1. What are the students participation levels in other subjects and activities?

2. What are the difficulties facing in reading English?

3. How to create interest in students to learn English?

4. How to build Phonological awareness in students?

5. What are the suitable methods and activities to improve students reading abilities?

6. What are the steps should I take to create English atmosphere in Classroom ?


Data collection and analysis

Data collection on students difficulties in reading English was captured from students, Co-teachers. Data regarding to students participation in learning activities of mother tongue language and other subjects. The methods followed by other teachers in case of slow learners were collected from the teachers by interviews, Observing students Work books and CCE records. Data of the students difficulties in reading English text, identification of alphabet, Phonological awareness were collected by conducting assessment tests. They were tested to read 20 sight words and 50 Common words of First Standard. Data collected on their interests, reading habits, participation in Co curricular activities by asking them orally. Among 25 students 12 were facing reading difficulties at word level and 4 were at alphabet level. After identification of their difficulty levels divided them in to three groups for First step of learning.

After collecting the data from the teachers by interviews, Observing their Note books, work books and CCE records and reading tests conducted for all the Students of the Class, among 25 students 16 students were identified facing difficulties. In those 16 students 4 students were not able to identify and differentiate some of alphabet by its phonemic sounds. 12 students were identified facing reading difficulties at word level.and they unable to read simple common words given in the assessment test.



Findings from the Data Analysis are 16 students were identified as slow learners. Among 16 students 4 students are slow learners and facing learning difficulties in all subjects. Students who were facing difficulties in English were also facing in mother tongue language subject. Some of them are good at mathematics. 16 students CCE records shows they were irregular to school and have poor attendance in previous classes. From the assessment test results, In identified students 4 students were not recognize the phonemic sounds of some alphabet. They not able to differentiate the letters b, d; p, q; h, n; u, v. In remaining 12 students 7 students were able to read some common words and other 5 students were not able to read most of the words which given in the assessment test.


Action plan: My plan for action research

Identified students were planned to take for remedial teaching. They were divided into three groups and separate teaching learning activities planned to develop for 4 weeks according to their learning levels. Teaching learning material, self learning material prepared for recognition of alphabet with phonological awareness, word building, reading words by syllable division, preparation of mono syllabic words. Prepared charts of mono syllabic words, common words and decoding, spelling activities taken seperately for the groups according to their learning levels. Every week they assessed and After 4 weeks final assessment has been taken for next level of learning.


Questions for action research

The data to be  collected for further Action research by the following Quantitative questionaire from Teachers, Experts of the English language Teaching and subject forums.

1.      What are the basic reading skills at Primary level?

2.      What are the steps should I take to improve Phonological Awareness?

3.      What are the steps should I take to improve reading skills at Word level?

4.      What are the steps should I take to improve reading abilities at Sentence level?

5.      What are the Assessment tools should I use to Assess students reading skills at various levels ?

6.      What are the Teaching learning material should I use to improve reading English language at various levels?

7.      What are the Teaching strategies and Teaching methods should i adopt to improve reading English at various levels?


Final report on Action research

Complete Report will be given after completion of further  Action research.



Shobhan said...

Great job sir..
It is very helpful

Krishna kumari said...

great job sir.
Clear n simple elaboration. Keep going sir.

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