Thursday, June 11, 2020


(Rules 5-A, 16,19 and 23)

Extra Ordinary Leave can be granted when no other leave is admissible. It can also be granted when other leave being admissible, if the Govt. Servant
concerned applied in writing for the grant of EOL (LR 16(ii)). Period of absence can be commuted as EOL by the competent authority. (LR 16(iii)).

(i) Permanent and approved probationers: Not exceeding 5 years including other kinds of leave.
(ii) Probationers 23(a)(ii): The duration of EOL on any one occasion shall not exceed the following limits:

a) 3 months ordinarily
b) 6 months if it is supported by medical certificate and the employee has completed 3 years of service
c) 18 months for treatment of T.B., or Leprosy either as inpatient and or outpatient on a certificate issued by the authorised medical officer and the employee has put in a service extending 1 year.
d) 12 months for treatment of cancer, mental illness on the certificate from the recognised Institute or Doctor, and
e) 24 months for prosecuting studies certified to be in public interest and to employees of SC & ST to join examination, training course at the centre notified by Govt. to the extent necessary, provided the Govt. servant has completed not less than 1 year of continuous service before proceeding on leave. The grant of EOL in item (b) to (e) is by Govt.

A temporary Govt. Servant in Superior service and Inferior service appointed in emergency provisions is not entitled to EOL.

1. Earned Leave: Equal to full pay drawn before proceeding on leave.
2. Leave on Half Pay: Equal to half of the pay drawn before proceeding on leave and full pay for a period of 6 months in entire service, if the leave is on MC for treatment of TB, Leprosy, Cancer, Mental Illness or Heart Diseases and Renal (Kidney) Failure
            (G.O.Ms.No.268, F&P (FWFR.I), Dt.28.10.91).
3. Leave not Due: Equal to half pay
4. Commuted Leave: Twice the amount admissible under (2) above
5. EOL: No leave salary.

Exgratia Allowance for the Govt. servants who have sanctioned EOL for treatment of Tuberculosis/Leprosy/Cancer/Mental illness/Heart diseases and Renal (Kidney) Failure:

A Non Gazetted Government Servant on a pay not exceeding Rs.26600/- per month in the Revised Pay Scale 2015 is entitled to an ex-gratia allowance equal to half of his pay subject to a minimum of Rs.9460/-per month and maximum of Rs. 13000/- per month.
A Government Servant in the Last Grade Service drawing pay in the Revised Pay Scales 2015, is entitled to an ex-gratia allowance equal to Half of his pay subject to a minimum of Rs.6500/- per month and a maximum of Rs. 10500/- p.m., w.e.f. Dt.17.08.2015.
(G.O.Ms.No.111, Finance (HRM.III) Dept., Dt.17.08.2015)

Payment of HRA & CCA during Leave:
The payment of HRA and CCA shall be allowed to State Govt. employees upto 180 days during leave of all kinds.
(G.O.Ms.No.28, Fin.(FR.I) Dept., Dt.09.03.11)

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