Thursday, June 11, 2020


(both non-vacation and vacation – Regular and temporary rules 13,18 and 23)

Every Govt. servant whether superior or inferior appointed regularly earns 20 days of Half Pay Leave for every completed year of service.
The service includes EOL.
            Temporary employees appointed under Rule 10(a)(i) State and Subordinate Service Rules whose services have not been regularised are not eligible for half pay leave.
 (Govt. Memo No.20584/302/FR-I/74-1/Fin. & Plg., Dt.12.09.74)
The period treated as Dies-Non & Suspension treated as not on duty may have to be excluded for counting the period of one year to give credit of HPL of 20 days. (FR 18).
There is no limit for accumulation and leave to the extent admissible can be granted at a time.
A Govt. servant in superior service regularly appointed or in inferior service, whose probation has not yet been declared, can be granted Half Pay Leave subject to the following conditions:
(i) To be granted on Medical Certificate Only
(ii) The Superior Govt. Servant should have completed 2 years of regular service
(iii) An Inferior Govt. servant should have completed 1 year of regular service. (LR 23(a)(i)).

Encashment of Half Pay Leave:
Half pay leaves may be encashed at the time of retirement / death in the case of State Employees subject to the condition that the total number of days of earned leave + leave on half pay put together should not exceed 300 days for encashment.
(G.O.Ms.No.154, Fin.(FR.I) Dept, Dt.04.05.2010)

The half pay leave encashment orders were extended to all the employees, teaching as well as non-teaching staff of aided institutions and local bodies i.e, Aided Junior Colleges/Degree Colleges/Oriental Colleges and also for Non-teaching staff of Aided Schools and the employees of Panchayat Raj and Municipal Institutions w.e.f date of issue of the G.O.Ms.No.154, Fin.(FR.I) Dept, Dt.04.05.2010
 (G.O.Ms.No.109, Fin.(HRM.III) Dept., Dt.29.07.2015

 Half Pay Leave Commuted to Full Pay: (Rules 15-B,18-B,19-B,23(a)).

Sanctioned on MC only. Half of half pay leave at credit can be commuted to leave on full pay to an extent of 240 days in entire service. The debit in the half pay leave account will be double the period of commuted leave taken. This can be granted although there is EL at his credit.
Not admissible to temporary Govt. servant as he does not earn HPL. Not to be granted to an employee who is not like to return back to duty on the expiry of leave. For example, if an employee is due to retire on superannuation, on 31.12.16 AN, commuted leave should not be granted upto & inclusive of 31.12.16.
If a Govt. servant quits while on commuted leave like resignation, voluntary retirement, death, invalidation or compulsory retirement, the entire commuted leave should be re-regularised as HPL & excess leave salary paid should be recovered in case of resignation or voluntary retirement. Such recovery need not be made in case of death, invalidation or compulsory retirement as it is an event beyond the control of Govt. servant.
Hence the employee in his leave application seeking sanction of a commuted leave should give a declaration that in the event of quitting service while on commuted leave he is agreeable for the recovery of leave salary paid to him.

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