Thursday, June 11, 2020



Sabbatical leave may be granted for one or more of the following objects, namely:-
i. to conduct research or advanced studies in India or abroad; to write text books, standard works and other literature.
ii. to visit or work in Industrial concerns to gain practical experience in their respective
iii. to visit or work in a University, Industry or Government research laboratories in India
and abroad; and
iv. any other purposes for the academic development of the staff member, as approved by the Governing Body.

The grant of sabbatical leave shall be subject to the following conditions, namely.-
i. the period of sabbatical leave shall not exceed one year at a time including vacations, if any, but the Governing Body may grant in addition any other leave upto a maximum of
120 days which the member might have earned during the service at the Institute;
ii. a member of the academic staff shall, during the period of sabbatical leave, be paid full salary and allowances as admissible under the normal rules but he shall not be entitled to any travelling allowance or any extra allowance in India or abroad.
iii. a member of the academic staff shall not undertake during the period of sabbatical leave, any regular appointment under any other organization in India or abroad; he shall, however; be free to receive a scholarship or fellowship or bursary or any other ad-hoc honorarium other than his regular employment;
iv. a member of the academic staff availing sabbatical leave shall furnish a bond in the
prescribed form to serve the Institute for a minimum period of three years on return to

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మహిళలకు సమాంతర రిజర్వేషన్లు

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