Thursday, June 11, 2020


(Instructions 7 – 10, Annexure VII, FR & SR)

Concept: A concession to Govt. Servant in  special circumstances to be absent
from duty for a short period.
Authority: Instructions 7 to 10 Annexure VII ( Executive instructions regarding Casual Leave) of A .P . Fundamental & Subsidiary Rules  vide Ruling 4 of FR 85.
 Admissibility: To all temporary / permanent  employees.
The following are the purpose for which special casual leave may be granted to a Govt. servant.
1.Summons to give witness in a court in which his private interest is not in issue  - Amount of Leave As per the attendance Certificate.

2. Family Planning Operations:
(a)Male-Vasectomy - 6 working Days
(G.O.Ms.No.257 F & P dt:05-01-81)
(b) Female- Tubectomy - 14 Days
(G.O.Ms.No.124 F&P dt:13-4-82)
(c)  Male – For Tubectomyof wife - 7 Days

(d) Female – Insertion of Intra Uterine Contraceptive Devices - 1 Day on the day of insertion & reinsertion
 (G.O.Ms.No.128 F&P DT:13-4-82)

(e)  Recanalisation (Both male & female employees) - 21 Days or Actual period of Hospitalization whichever  is less Plus Actual journey (to & fro period)

Admissible to the employees who have less than two Children or who has lost all Male or Female Children after Family Planning operation.

3. (A) Female - Salpingectomy operation after medical Termination of Pregnancy - 14 days
(G.O. Ms. No. 275 F&P (FW FR-I)Dept.dt.15-05-81)

 (B )  Male - Salpingectomy operation for Wife  -  7 days

4. Post Operative Complications

A) Vasectomy - Extended upto 7 days
B) Tubectomy  -  Extended upto 14 days on production of Medical Certificate

Special Casual Leave can be availed for the 2nd time for the same period on production of MC mentioning the failure of previous operation (in case of Vasectomy & Tubectomy)

Special Casual Leave  may be prefixed or suffixed to Regular Leave or CL and not both.

Sports  ( Instruction 8)
8-A)  1.For participating in Sporting events of National or International Importance – not exceeding 30 days in a calendar year.
 (G.O.Ms.No.295 Fin FR-I Dept.dt.14-09-1964).
2.If exceeded 30 days – excess period  treated as regular leave. Permitted to combine with Regular Leave but not with CL.
3.The concession shall not be allowed for the Participants on his personal capacity
4.It is extended to Managers of Teams, Coaches and Referees
(Go Ms.No.358 F&P (FWFR-I)Dept.dt.26-12-84).
 5.SCL not exceeding 15 days may be availed for  President /Secy. of National Sports Bodies recognized by all India Council of  Sports
(G.O.Ms. No.270 F& P FWFR-I Dept.,Dt.30-06-1976)
 8-B) Participating in trekking expeditions approved by India Mountaineering Foundation,
SCL not exceeding 30 days in a calendar year may be sanctioned

8-C) Disabled Ex service men re-employed as Civilian in State Govt. services for appearing before Medical resurvey board for the reassessment of disability and to go to hospital for treatment -15 days of SCL
(G.O.Ms. No.407 F&P FW FR-I Dept.dt.18-09-76)

Instruction - 9
 9- A)  For the recruitment in Territorial army or Auxiliary Air force
i) Attending for an interview, Medical exam followed by training etc. - One month or Less
ii) For participation in ceremonial Parades - One month or less

9-B)  For Registering the name under Reserve and Auxiliary Air-force Act-1952
i) Attending for an interview, medical examination followed by training - One month or Less
ii) For participation in ceremonial Parades as a member of Air Defence Reserve - One month or less.

OTHERS ( Instruction 10 )

10-A)  AP Secretariat Cultural Association Members for enacting dramas in mofussil areas  – 6 days SCL in a calendar Year
10-B)  i) Principal Office bearers of Recognized service Associations(Represented on A.P. Civil Services Joint Staff Council) and 2 Office Bearers from each of the units in Districts and City – 21 days SCL in a calendar year
(G.O.Ms. No.205, Fin, Dt.08-06-1980)

ii)It will not be sanctioned in addition to any SCL allowed under Sports ,Cultural Activities etc.
iii)The competent authority will have the discretion to withhold the Grant of SCL in exigencies of Govt. work
(G.O. Ms. No.390 Fin, Dt.26-11-64)

10-C)  Employees of vacation Dept.(Education, Judiciary etc.) -7 days of SCL in a calendar year
Total SCL sanctioned shall not exceed 30 days if they participate in the Sports event.
Competent authority shall have the discretion to withhold
(G.O.Ms. No.47 Fin,dt.12-02-65)
10-E)  To participate in Rallies, Camps etc. Organized by A.P. Bharat Scouts and Guides at State/National Level – 10 days of SCL in a calendar year
(G.O.MsNo.112 Fin,dt.22-07-69)

10-F). Members of Institution of Engineers:
(a) For attending annual Meeting at Hyd. -7 days of SCL in a calendar year
(b)For attending annual convention to any part of the country - 10 days of SCL in a calendar year
(G.O.Ms No.44 F&P FR-I,dt.05-02-06)
10-G)  Govt. Servant participating in the cultural events in the National and International importance when he is selected by service /cultural associations recognized by Govt. - 30 days of SCL in a calendar year.
( G.O.Ms.No.360, F&P, Dt.24.12.1980)

Special Provisions:
 For Donation of Blood:  - 1 day of SCL on the day of donation on production of M.C.
(G.O.Ms.No.137, M&H (EL) Dept.,Dt.23.02.1984)
Women Govt. employees for being celebrated International Women's day on March 8th -1 day SCL on that Day
(G.O. Ms. No.433 GAD(SW-II)Dept.dt.04-08-10)

 Above Details in Tabular form
Family Planning Operations:
Amount of leave
Male – Vasectomy
6 Working days
2nd Operation
Female – Tubectomy
14 days
Male – for Tubectomy of wife
7 days
2nd Operation
7 days
Insertion of intrauterine contraceptive devises
1 day on the day of IUD
Recanalization (Male & Female)
(having less than 2 children or lost all male / female children after family planning operation).
21 days or the actual period as per the certificate whichever is less
plus to and fro journey days,
if the operation is necessary

Leave for 2nd operation is permissible when the doctor certifies that the first operation was a failure.
Additional Special CL for the same period beyond above limits can be given on account of post operation complications subject to production of MC
The special CL for FP operation can be prefixed or suffixed to regular leave / CL.


Sl. No.
Amount of Leave
Summons to give witness in a court in which his private interest are not in issue
As per the certificate of attendance
For participating in sporting events of national or international importance When selected by the All India Sporting Federation and also as Manager of the team
Not exceeding 30 days in a calendar year. Excess to be treated as regular leave
(Go Ms.No.358 F&P(FWFRI) Dept. dt.26-12-84).
Elected as President or Secretary of National Sports Bodies
(G.O.Ms. No.270 F& P FWFR-I Dept., Dt.30-06-1976)
Not exceeding 15 days in a calendar year
Participating in Trekking expeditions approved by India Mountaineering Foundation
Not exceeding 30 days in a calendar year. Overall limit shall not exceed 30 days including this as a sport.
(G.O.Ms.No.263, Fin.&Plg. (FW.FR.I) Dept., Dt.22.06.93)
Disabled Ex-service men re-employed as Civilian in State Govt. services for appearing before Medical resurvey board for the reassessment of disability and to go to hospital for treatment
Not exceeding 15 days in a calendar year.
(G.O.Ms. No.407 F&P FW FR-I Dept.dt.18-09-76)
Secretariat Cultural Association members for dramas enacted in mufassil
Not exceeding 6 days in a calendar year
Office bearers and members on the purchasing committee of the Govt., employees Consumers Co-op stores to districts for making bulk purchases of various commodities for stores
12 days in a calendar year + 2 days for each trip of journey
Principal office bearers (viz. President / Secretary of all recognised Service Associations at State level/Dist. Level on roll of Civil Services Joint Staff Council, Departmental Joint Staff Councils, Gazetted Joint Staff Councils
Not exceeding 21 days in a calendar year
(G.O.Ms. No.470, GA (Ser. Wel.) Dept.,, Dt.16-09-1994 and G.O.Ms.No.1036, G.A.(Ser.Wel.) Dept., Dt.29.11.96)
Employees who participate in the rallies, camps etc., of the A.P. Bharat Scouts & Guides
Not exceeding 10 days in a calendar year
(G.O.MsNo.112 Fin,dt.22-07-69)
Members of Institution Engineers
a) For attending annual meeting, Hyd.
b) For attending annual convention to any part of the country

7 days in a calendar year
10 days in a calendar year
(G.O.Ms No.44 F&P FR-I,dt.05-02-06)
Employees of Vacation Dept.
7 days in a calendar year.
(G.O.Ms.No.47, Fin., dt.12-02-65)
An Officer enrolled in territorial army and deputed to undergo training parades etc.
Not exceeding 30 days in a calendar year
Blood Donation
1 day on the date on which blood is donated subject to the production of certificate. (G.O.Ms.No.137, M&H (EL), dated 23.02.1984)
Govt. Servant participating in the cultural events in the National and International importance when he is selected by service /cultural associations recognized by Govt.
Not exceeding 30 days in a calendar year. (G.O.Ms.No.360, F&P, Dt.24.12.1980)
Women Government Servants for the celebration of International Women’s day on March 8th
(G.O. Ms. No.433 GAD(SW-II)Dept.dt.04-08-10 and Govt. Memo No.3400/SW/A2/2016, GA(SW,Wel.), dt.05.03.16)
1 day
Govt. employees to cast vote in MLC (Graduate / Teachers) elections
(G.O.Ms.No.82, GA (Ele.B) Dept., Dt.03.02.11)
1 day on the day of poll if it is working day

Special Casual Leave can intervene between two spells of leave if certified by Doctor.

ప్రత్యేక సందర్భం లో మంజూరు చేసే ప్రత్యేక అకస్మిక సెలవులు

ప్రభుత్వ ఉద్యోగ నిర్వహణ లో భాగంగా న్యాయస్థానంకు హాజరైన దినాలకు, ప్రయాణించిన కాలానికి ప్రత్యేక అకస్మిక సెలవు మంజూరు చేయవచ్చును.

కుటుంబ నియంత్రణ కై వాసెక్టమీ చేయించుకున్న పురుష ఉద్యోగులకు 6 రోజులు, ట్యూబెక్టమీ చేయించుకున్న మహిళ ఉద్యోగులకు 14 రోజుల ప్రత్యేక అకస్మిక సెలవులు మంజూరు చేయవచ్చును
శస్త్ర చికిత్సలు విఫలమైతే రెండవ సారి కూడా సెలవు లభిస్తుంది
( G. O. Ms. No. 257. F &P Dt. 5.1.1981.)

ఉద్యోగి భార్య ట్యూబెక్టమీ చేయించుకున్నచో అట్టి ఉద్యోగి 7 రోజులు ప్రత్యేక అకస్మిక సెలవులు వాడుకొనవచ్చును
( G. O. Ms. No. 802 (M&H) Dt.  21.4.1972. )

మహిళ ఉద్యోగినులు  IUD  అమక్చుకున్నచో 1 రోజు ప్రత్యేక అకస్మిక సెలవు మంజూరు చేయవచ్చును.
(G. O. Ms. No. 128. Dt. 13.4.1982.)

స్కాల్పింగెక్టమీ  చేయించుకున్న మహిళ ఉద్యోగినికి 14 రోజులుపురుష ఉద్యోగులకు తమ భార్య స్పాల్పింగెక్టమీ చేయించుకుంటే వారికి 7 రోజులు ప్రత్యేక అకస్మిక సెలవులు లభిస్తాయి
( G. O. Ms. No. 275.(F&P) Dt. 15.5.1981.)

Scalpinggectomyచేయించుకున్న మహిళ ఉద్యోగినికి 14 రోజులుపురుష ఉద్యోగులకు తమ భార్య స్పాల్పింగెక్టమీ చేయించుకుంటే వారికి 7 రోజులు ప్రత్యేక అకస్మిక సెలవులు లభిస్తాయి
( G. O. Ms. No. 275.(F&P) Dt. 15.5.1981.)

రీక్యాన్సలైజేషన్ (Recancilisation)  చేయించుకున్న ఉద్యోగులకు 21 రోజుల కు మించని ప్రత్యేక అకస్మిక సెలవులు వాడుకొనవచ్చును.

జాతీయ, అంతర్జాతీయ క్రీడలలో పాల్గొనే ఉద్యోగులకు ఒక క్యాలెండర్ సంవత్సరం లో 30 రోజులకు మించకుండా ప్రత్యేక అకస్మిక సెలవులు మంజూరు చేయవచ్చును
( G. O. Ms. No. 295. Fin (FR. I)  Dt. 14.9.1964. )

రక్తదానం చేసిన ఉద్యోగికి 1 రోజు ప్రత్యేక అకస్మిక సెలవు మంజూరు చేయవచ్చును
( G. O. Ms. No. 124. Dt. 13.4.1982.)

జాయింట్ స్టాఫ్ కౌన్సిల్ లో వహించే ఉద్యోగ సంఘం రాష్ట్ర,జిల్లా అధ్యక్ష, ప్రధాన కార్యదర్శులు ఒక క్యాలెండర్ సంవత్సరం లో 21 రోజులు ప్రత్యేక అకస్మిక సెలవులు వాడుకొనవచ్చును .
(G. O. Ms. No. 638.Dt.30.12.1983.)

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